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Hi sue

I really like your green terrors, you've got me kind of interested in them :)

I have also seen you on other forums :angry: :angry: Not that I would be visiting them... just for 'research' ;)
guilty as charged, yes i do go to other forums, but i must admit i like the friendly banter in this one. looks like ya got another lodger :D .

duncun if you want to know more about the green terrors, ask away. they are real cute :thumbs:

If you follow the link at the top of the page or here Main page You'll find a link to the fish index. It needs a lot of work as you might notice there are some fish that have been abducted by aliens. ;)
that'll be down to william then :laugh:

ok, which fish do you want me to do? how do you want it set out?

Ditto i could do some for the more odd fish etc that i keep and some of my BIG cats lmao :p :laugh:
Any fish or invertabrate thats not in the list will do. Davy likes things in .doc or html but plain text will do.
Yeah any format, just don't write in caps as I can't copy and paste it into the web :laugh:

Even if theres a fish already in the fish index you can still do a bit on them, the more info the better.

what to write Just follow whats already there. Everyone is the same, i.e. names. named by (found), size, etc. etc.
All I'm really intrested in is decription of the fish, behaviour, sexing, how to keep them, breeding etc. thats the main bit, I can fill the rest. As I always look there the web to see what info there is on them. To try and fill out the controversal stuff :)

Any pictures are good, it's hard trying to get some that arn't copyrighted.
Really need a digi cam and a trip round loads of shops n places

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