My <6 Month Old 75g


Fish Fanatic
Oct 19, 2012
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currently stocked with
2 acei
5 baby peacock
3 2-3in peacock
1 green terror
1 texas green(i think he has bloat?)
2 yellow labs
3 crawdads
1 algae eater

~200gph with floss and carbon media

play sand and cichlid bio shell substrate, lava rocks and slate

sword rubia and other unknown noobie water plants

REALLY looking forward to a black background and eventually black sand


a little progression, just added some new brown gravel because i got tired of the bright sand and my bright lights so i wanted to tone it down a bit, maybe help the aesthetics of the tank, i know gravel isnt ideal for my two corydoas, but i have patches and will continue to do my zen garn style raking to create a more mix of gravel to sand. they have really long barbs anyways, so they should be fine.

in the process of revamping my used tank, and as you can see my pound puppy loves cichlids as much as i do.


using a syphoning cleaner will i lose sand? and what are the usual guidelines for cleaning sand? should i just invest in more detritus feeders? still running my two EFs and i have 2 bubble stones, and a bubble strip placed under my substrate, should that aerate the water enough to lift out extra ammonia? because ammonia seems to be the one thing that gives both of our 75g's a problem.

my bfs sand cichlid tank that im totally jealous of :grr:
they really seem to like the new gravel!!! now on to a mantle like cover and a DIY hood
Nice tanks :)

This is my 120gal cichlid tank that is now only home to my 5 inch Blue Thai Silk Flowerhorn as he is far too aggressive to be housed with anything else. He is currently 5 inches and has killed a 6 inch jack Dempsey and a 7-8 inch buttikoferi both within 6 hours of being added to his tank...


This is my flowerhorn, the pic was taken about a month back so he's a little bigger now.. He was only 4inches here.. Closer to 5 1/2 inches now


Iv owned jaguars, dovii's, red devil, red terror, red belly piranhas, snakeheads, jewel cichlids, bichirs, lima shovelnose catfish, JD's, firemouths, severums, oscars, and Texas cichlids that have been nowhere as aggressive as this fish
When you clean your tank do you remove everything or just clean around stuff?
I clean around everything. Only thing I have to remove is the fish because he is so aggressive. He attacks everything including my hands as soon as they touch the water. I have to put him in my spare 40gal whilst I clean his 120
i always just clean around all of my stuff, i have new updated pictures but i've kinda-sorta neglected this 75g, not really neglect, i just acquired other tanks and have been moving my biggest cichlids into that, (i bought a female JD that i didnt know was a female and now i have a bonded pair of gorgeous JDS!!!!) mostly african agressives... but they all seem to get along very well, i haven't had much more than a few mouth puffs of a agression towards each other in that tank....

we also now have an arowana, I JUST GOT A 2" titanium flowerhorn for christmas, and an oscar. im also turning into the master pro plant grower in 3 of my tanks and have been giving away extra plants to my family so they can ditch the artificials. :]
Word of advice... arowanas need big tanks. An 8x3x3 is good for them. Although bigger the better. They also grow very quickly and will reach around 3 feet in length...

Another thing is, if your flowerhorn turns into anything like mine is then he/she will need a tank to itself as they can and will kill tankmates bigger than themselves.

That aside they are stunning fish :)

And plants are a no go with flowerhorns lol mine were growing very well and then i put my flowerhorn in and ripped them all up when he hit around the 5 inch mark

this is him now!!

ive actually watched him kill off 3 feeder fish i had left over... and we are selling/rehoming the arowana soon, we just took him off the lfs hands because he outgrew the 30g they bought him as a baby.. lol... and as soon as my FH hits around 4-5 inches ill be upgrading to atleast 125g. i honestly want to do a plywood build. and he isnt messing with my plants NOW lolol but i know he eventually will... i purchased a piece of mopani wood and a bundle of hornwort and wrapped the hornwor to it with sewing thread and put it in there for a channel cat to rest under, he has pretty much free range of the bottom of the long tank alone so i think hes alright until i upgrade the tank.... ive been making major adjustments, dont really feel like listing them all but a lot of my tanks are must more suitable :]

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