Meet The Members

I'm new to this forum so here's my info. :)
Forum Name emfishy

Location USA Michigan

Number of Years in Hobby 14 years (ever since I was a baby my family has had fish) most cold water though

Fishkeeping Profile currently only have a 5 gallon home to 2 tiger barbs and some goldfish in a pond outside. Before had some guppies(can't remember what kind)and a tiger oscar cichlid in a 10 gallon. We gave away our cichlid when he got to big for the tank.

Favorite fish species Sharks

Favorite LFS Petsmart and petsuppilesplus

Aquatic likes I like a very colorful and clean tank.

Aquatic dislikes very dirty tanks with no color to it

Aquatic Achievements none really except for having clean tanks and keeping most of my fish alive in the past.

Non-fish related fact I'm very good with computers and technology.

Other Hobbies Playing video games and Keeping Reptiles and amphibians and doing crafts like friendship bracelets and plastic lace key chains.
Hi, everyone! I'm new on here and wanted to say hi and tell you a bit about myself and the fish :)

Forum Name RyanV

Location USA Minnesota

Number of Years in Hobby Just starting :)

Fishkeeping Profile I have two 55 gallon tanks.
Tank 1-
4 guppies
2 dalmatian mollies
2 black mollies
2 silver mollies
2 red wigs
1 blue gourami
4 cories
1 pleco

Tank 2-
4 bueno aires tetra
2 angel fish
(hoping to get a couple red tail shark and some tiger barb soon) :)

Favorite fish species My gourami and angels

Favorite LFS Petsmart (Any other places I should try?)

Aquatic likes I have my two tanks decorated completely different except for the gravel (see pictures below)

Aquatic dislikes Very dirty tanks, messy look.

Aquatic Achievements Not losing any fish yet :)

Non-fish related fact I am in school right now for my RN, only taking a few classes though. Working right now as an LPN in a nursing home. Eventually would like to work at a children's hospital :)

Other Hobbies Playing I love playing video games in my spare time, snowboarding in the winter, I am also an avid runner.

Here's my setup right now: (top tank is not finished yet)

Forum Name...lmbhdsa

Location...Bekasi, Indonesia

Number of Years in Hobby...Not been 'in the hobby' for several years, but had my first tank at 9 (so roughly 24 years)

Fishkeeping Profile...a shoebox sized tank and & 60x40x40cm tank.

Favourite fish species...small fish like guppies and tetras

Aquatic Likes...Planted tanks, Natural-looking tanks

Aquatic Dislikes...plastic aquatic plants

Aquatic Achievements...have a couple of silver platys bred when I was 10 and now batches of fry (currently 50)

Non-fish related fact...An English teacher with playing computer game as a hobby

Other Hobbies...Reading, music & watching Discovery Science

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