Live plants beginner


New Member
Nov 4, 2019
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Hi wanted to try live plants in my 75 g freshwater to bring ammonia down , should I try amazon swords or Java fern, and do I have to trim or maintain the plants , have gravel on bottom
Java fern is a slow growing plant which won't do much for ammonia. Amazon swords are faster growing so will have a bigger effect. Floating plants would be even better.
I use tap / city water so I have to condition with aqua safe then prime , what’s a good floating plant for beginners
Why do you use Tetra Aqua Safe and Prime? They both do the same thing so you only need one of them.

Just about all floating plants are easy plants.
Water sprite, Amazon frogbit, water lettuce, red root floater, salvinia etc.
Why do you use Tetra Aqua Safe and Prime? They both do the same thing so you only need one of them.

Just about all floating plants are easy plants.
Water sprite, Amazon frogbit, water lettuce, red root floater, salvinia etc.
Don’t use at same time , just aqua safe , but just got over bacterial bloom , great guy helped me through it at local pet store told me to add prime every 24 hrs after water change I think
Prime is just a water conditioner which should only be used to treat new water. It should not be added to a tank at any other time. Another piece of misinformation from a store worker, I'm afraid.

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