Killie Question (need General Direction To Go In.....)


Fish Fanatic
Oct 26, 2005
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Florida, USA
The only killie I've had experience with are the golden wonder killies. I had two of them in the past, so you can see that I am extremely limited on killie knowledge!

So here's the story: right now I have the little 5g planted tank with 3 ghost shrimp and some snails. There used to be a dwarf gourami in there too, but I had to take him back to the LFS because he was just tearing up the plants too much. What to put in there? Thought about endlers but as luck would have it, I just can't find any right now. Thought about a betta but it might end up killing the shrimp (which I like) so that's out. And then I remembered that Tampa is hosting a killie convention in May!! The biggest convention in America and it's right in my neighborhood!! :hyper:

So I need to know what species of killie would work in a 5g, with plants, snails and shrimp. A general direction to go in would be great, also I would like it to be a species that isn't a true annual.
If I have a general idea then I can go to the killie sites for a more detailed search but without an idea going through all that info is daunting to say the least!

Thank you very much for any info you can give me! :)
The shrimp will be the deciding factor in my answer. I am ignorant as regards to the ghost variety. Usually I would advise the beginner to purchase a pair of Fundulopanchax gardneri. now there are several strains, some more colourful than others. The ones to look out for are
Fp. gardneri Misaje
Fp. gardneri Jos Plateau
Fp. gardneri Mukurdi
I feel that this species is robust for the beginner to handle and if you adhere to a few general rules you will have at least some sucess at breeding them. (there are other varieties, but I would try these first)
Please read the following info as a guide for your entry into the world of Killifish.
As a member of the AKA. I wish you good luck at the meet and I hope you obtain the fish you are looking for.
I can explain the husbandry of this species in full for you, but I think it's best that you go to the show and ask your questions there. Please let me have some more info on the shrimp, lati name, size etc
Anyway to sum up, Get yourself a pair of Fundulopanchax gardneri and you wont be dissapointed. Only a pair or trio (one male to two females) as the close confines of the 5g tank will put the weaker male at risk from bullying and eventual death.
I hope this was of some help. If you need any further help in the future then don't hesitate to ask.

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