I got 'em!


Fish Crazy
Jul 5, 2003
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Earlier I have posted something about turtles and I did my research and thought really hard about it since I know they live a long time and I do not want to ever having to give them up and give them away. So I thought and decided, yeah, I want them.

Two baby red eared sliders. Female name Lucy and Male name Ponch. They are such cutie. I really love watching them as much as my fishie. I have them in a lagoon for now since they are so tiny and I have to think about how I want to set up a tank for them. I plan on getting the biggest one I can afford. That way I don't be wasting money buying bigger and bigger tanks.

I'll take some pix of them as well as my fishie and post 'em as soon as I can(hopefully this weekend).
I'm glad you got them, any place that sells "lip gloss" has no business stocking baby turtles :grr: , keep in mind that you can always build a pond outside for them when they get bigger, that's our master plan for the map turtle that we have, she/he's tiny right now but has grown sooo much in the past couple of months that she'll probably be outside in a couple of years, along with a few friends :D
wuvmybetta, are you registered on the turtle forum? I got there whenever I need information about my turtles. It's is just as great as this xcept it specialize turtles. I was thinking about outdoor pond too. I even have an idea of how I want it to look. I have a long way to go before I need to do that.
I'm looking for a tank that has a crack on the side so i can put silicone on the crack then just fill the bottom few inchs with water so they can swim then build a beach. since the tank is cracked it saves you ALOT of money plus the crack wont have much stress because you dont fill the tank all the way up. :D

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