How To Package A Plant For Sale


Fish Addict
Apr 17, 2017
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Since this is the "chit chat" thought I'd make this here, I was delightfully requested to make this thread and I am happy to answer his/her question on; how to package a plant for shipping?
This is easier than shipping fish trust me lol!
Im going to got through it as simple as I can, not that hard, or it shouldn't be lol. When I ship my plants to loyal customers online, I take there order like squidward on spongebob and write it down as quick as possible so I don't forget what to reserve! once your all ready to ship these plants out, this is how you prepare them. Take your plant out from wherever it was, slowly and gently so no roots break or snap off, its ok if some do. Wash the plant itself and the roots off under medium hot water, about 80F. After that set it down and get a paper towel, lay the paper towel out, then place your plant on the laid out paper towel. then proceed to role it up with the plant inside the paper towel

Your plant afterwards should look like that guy in the pic, except without the carpet, or the family, or the dog, and without its top leaves sticking out. lol.
ok once you have done that, you are going to want to place that plant under the same temperature water again to soak it inside that paper towel, get it all wet. Then place it all in a plastic sandwich baggy, then your done, just go to the post office and buy this:

stick it in there, if its cold outside then I recommend you put newspaper in first, then the plant package, then more newspaper.
They do charge you on weight remember as well so. Limit yourself if your cheap.

Hope this helped that someone and even other people :)

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