How long till red?


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jul 8, 2002
Reaction score
Essex - Westcliff
Hi - update on my new ruben reds. :) I'm still in love :love: with them. They've settled in well and are very curious - we have staring competitions :D They win :p They come up to the front and just stay there staring at me - until I move :D At what age will they colour up completely. At the moment the larger one (male - I hope) is still lightly tinged with red - maybe very slightly more than when I got them. The smaller one is still very drab in comparison. :0 :thumbs:
Well, well, well,

Finally another question up my alley ;)  ;)

Your male ruben should start to show some really good color around 6-8 months old.

The "drab" one being a female will not show any of the color of the male. She may get some color in the fins, but that is about it. That is the one drawback to "peacocks".

When I was breeding, I would always hold some of the males out. Would always fetch a good price selling lone males.

Anyone who is interested can see some pics at my site.


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