Hm Renovated 55 Gallon..


New Member
Jul 7, 2010
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Miami, FL
I recently moved back to my family's house after finishing school, I had setup a Malawi 55 for my parents and siblings to enjoy, for two years it went great however an ammonia spike wiped out my entire stock including my four year old upside down catfish, it was devastating..

Well anyway, I restarted the aquarium now that I have more time however decided to switch to soft water species as my water is soft, I was decorating it with driftwood when I found my dad thew in a rainbow shark without asking (his favorite) and I had put in two cherry barbs and a male apisto

So my question is what else can I stock it with that would get along with these fish? Would I be able to add 3 or 4 German Blue Rams or should they not be housed with apistos? Maybe a single Angel? Any suggestions as far as center piece? I was trying to avoid schooling fish for the time being

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