Heat Treatment Alone?

I've no way to assess anyone's level of knowledge, so when questions are asked I will try to be helpful.

As for the water conditioner, that is obviously a possible of more than one possibles. It may have been overdosed (not suggesting it was), it may have been expired, it may have some other chemical issue. Unless one gets it analysized by a chemist, we're only dealing with possibles.

The fish in question are Glass Catfish, and these are highly sensitive fish to any chemical, so I still say the so-called ich treatment is the likely issue. And the fact remains that all fish are affected by any of these treatment preparations, whether effective or not. Those who know far more than I do or ever will about this tell me not to use ich "remedies" and I have never lost fish to ich since following their advice. It is so easy to overdose (or underdose) but that is something the heat method (which does work provided the fish species can tolerate it) will never cause.
I've no way to assess anyone's level of knowledge, so when questions are asked I will try to be helpful.

As for the water conditioner, that is obviously a possible of more than one possibles. It may have been overdosed (not suggesting it was), it may have been expired, it may have some other chemical issue. Unless one gets it analysized by a chemist, we're only dealing with possibles.

The fish in question are Glass Catfish, and these are highly sensitive fish to any chemical, so I still say the so-called ich treatment is the likely issue. And the fact remains that all fish are affected by any of these treatment preparations, whether effective or not. Those who know far more than I do or ever will about this tell me not to use ich "remedies" and I have never lost fish to ich since following their advice. It is so easy to overdose (or underdose) but that is something the heat method (which does work provided the fish species can tolerate it) will never cause.

Thanks Byron. I'm just a little upset and easily triggered right now. I know you probably talk to a lot of people who aren't exactly on top of things and haven't done a water change since 1999.

I have also considered the possibility that the water conditioner was damaged chemically in some way. I did have it shipped to me, maybe it got left in a hot warehouse or truck for an inordinate amount of time. I guess I'll never know.

I still won't be trying any medication on the glass catfish ever again, anyway, just in case it did contribute to their demise, so don't worry about that.

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