Hard to find


New Member
Oct 20, 2003
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I have been doing a lot of reading on killies the last few weeks, but cannot find any in my lfs's. After what ive read i cant understand it. Some of them are very easy to keep and breed, but what puzzles me is the fact that you can dry out their eggs for about six months, which by comparison are a lot bigger than most fish eggs, then addthem to water and hey presto! they hatch. So surely this would make them one of the easiest fish to transport around in the dry egg state, even for all you people on here to sell on your dry Killie eggs. So why are they so hard to find? Its driving me nuts. :crazy:
I dont believe killies are a very popular group of fish to keep due to there relatively short lifespan and the fact that only one pair can be kept per tank, although the tank size can be very small, tanks of around 3 gallons are fine for a single pair of most killie species. Also hatching the eggs isnt as eay as just adding them to dechlorinated tapwater as they require quite spesific water conditions.

A web search should bring up a few sites from the various killie assosiations around and you can usually order the eggs on line , i believe Eddie W may keep some too so if you PM him he may be able to point you in the right direction.
Indeed - the British Killifish Association members routinely trade their stock by sending eggs by post.

Some of the killies live up to a couple of years - but they are "designed" to hatch grow quick lay eggs and die when the rainy season ends and their pools dry up. Many very pretty fish in the group.

Don't really know why this is in Cyprinids and Characins - killies are neither. However - where should it go?
Well they are egg laying toothCARPS which makes them more cyprinid than any of the other species but oddballs has room if its unwanted here.
Most Killies are from the family Cyprinodontidae - thus outside of the forum - but they are not really oddballs are they?

I almost bought some Killies today...
Hey if you want killis i will sell them to you. I am currently breeding American Flag Killifish. Are you interested?

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