Gouramis and Bettas?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
I've heard various opinions on what fish bettas can be kept with. The most common is alone in their own, small tank. And if they are in a community tank, that they shouldn't be kept with any larger, colorful fish. But a friend of mine had kept a betta in a tank with gouramis and has said he's had no problems and they get along fine.

I have a suspicion that the betta was either female, or this was just an odd occurance.

Anyways, basically I'm asking you guys if anyone has had any luck mixing gouramis with bettas, either male of female. Females should be able to go fine with them, correct? Or am I mistaken?

Any feedback is helpful.
Hi ECH2005 :)

I would never put a gourami in the same tank with a betta; the risk of damage to one or the other is just too great. :eek:

Both fish are related and tend toward aggression toward others of their own kind, and sometimes other fish too. Also, they both occupy the same area of the tank, which is primarily the top, so they would be in direct competition for space.

With gouramis, sometimes the male is aggressive enough that the female has to be removed from the tank with a male for her own good, so I wouldn't even recommend a mixed pair. :no:
That's pretty much what I figured, but I felt it wouldn't hurt to ask.

I am planning on putting a pair of dwarfs together, one male and one female, together, as suggested on the profile located on these forums. I should be fine with this, correct? I'll ofcourse watch for over-agression and seperate the two if need be.

Also, would I be able to keep two different types of gouramis together, such as dwarfs and honeys. From what I've read here and other places, they are less aggressive towards others.

But once again, this is all hearsay to me. I would like to know as much as possible before doing anything!
The thing with bettas is they're all different. There are bettas who live erfectly happily with anyhting, then on the other end of the scale is my friend's betta who tries to pick fights with cories!

Bascially it's a bit of a risk which its best not to take. ;)

I think a pair of dwarf gouramis could work but if you think the male is harrassing the female, add another female to spread out the aggression.
Hi ECH2005 :)

You don't have your location in your profile, but if you live in the UK, there is a chance that you can get female dwarf gouramis in the newly developed colors. If you live in the US, chances are that the only kind you will be able to find females of are the regular, original dwarfs. These are nice looking fish and IMHO are actually nicer than the new color varieties. This is the one I mean:


I've never kept the Honey Gouramis, because of the same lack of females on the market here, but I do understand that they are a very peaceful, but delicate fish.
Yes they are, I keep two honeys, who never fight, and get along with a big male pearl gourami :thumbs: The most my honey gouramis do to each other is slap one another with their ventral fins (Feelers :p )

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