Figure Eight Puffer


New Member
Aug 9, 2013
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Hi all. I have only just become a member but have been a long time reader.
I'm here to get some advice. I have kept fresh water fish for a long time but recently changed to a brackish tank. The reason for change was I feel in love with puffer fish. I have two figure eight puffers 3 months now. They are happy lovely guys named Harri and bo. However yesterday poor Harry changed. He became lethargic looking and slow moving with a bent back . I removed him from my main tank and have put him into a glass bowl which isn't ideal but I didn't have enough marine salt to convert my extra tank to brackish and I've been waiting for my pretty poor pet store to get an order. I've had bad luck. I'm monitering his littlebowl rreligiously to keep all the stats optimum while I come here and ask advice as to what I can do for him. He is still happy to see me. Able to swim but not using back fin tail. He is trying to eat and I'm assisting him but not a third what my boy would usually eat. I've searched online for possibilities but think I'm best asking some pros im used to reading like Neal. Hope this post is appropriate and if not I hope my future posts improve as I'm stuck for time on my issue :) thank you for reading and any light you can shed on puffers problem


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