Evolution Of A 19 Us Gallon

Well sadly this tank has come to the end of its life. I just bought this massive new tank to give my catfish and other larger fish more space - but the "other half" only agreed to the massive 115 US gallon tank if I got rid of my planted one.

Which, truth be told suits me fine.
I'm fedup fighting the algae battle and just scraping by. We are hopefully moving into a house beginning next year - where I then plan to get a proper planted setup and run it with RO water. So I'm keeping my equipment safe and sound till then :)

So watch this space - I haven't given up on planted yet - and will hopefully do a low light scape in my new tank with some undemanding plants :good:
Nice tank! and a bargin price too. Dont leave the planted side for too long Bloo :) I understand the frustration re the algae, its getting to me at the mo.


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