dwarf gouramis

I realy like them. I really want to get a male and femal for my 10 gallon tank with 3 zebra danios. Would that work?
Afraid not. The male can get aggressive towards the female. You can keep the two together in bigger tanks, though. There haven't been any scuffles in my 45.

Also, a 10 gallon is a bit too small for the gouramis, and the danios might nip its fins.
i've never had any problems with danios but i have to agree about the gouramis, males and females together oftern don't get along. if you still want to keep dwarfs i recommend 2 females.
Oh i dont know what i was talking about, i thought they did better together. But could i get like 1 male or like 2 femals with 3 zebra danios?
I would definitely not suggest it.

The gourami needs space to swim around in, and might get nasty towards the daniosif cooped up.

Also, danios need lots of O2 in the water and room to swim around in to push water through their gills for O2. Make sure they have room for this and that there is adequate circulation and surface disturbance in the tank.
sorry but i have to disagree. dwarf gourami can be kept in a 5g tank min so a 10g would be fine. also dwarfs only grow to a max of 2" as adults. as far as danio go, i have kept them with gourami with no problems.
hi. i would have to agree with james04. i have kept the spieces together in the past and i have never had any problems with the guaramis or danios. and my set up was also a 10g.
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:

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