duck weed??


Cheddar: classic or cliche?
Sep 13, 2003
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
can you put duckweed in a tropical aquarium? if i took some outta the pond, washed it an put it in my tank? just wondered...
Yes - it grows very well indoors.
But it gets everywhere - clogs up the filter and once you've got it, it's difficult to get rid of it. Once it covers the water, no light can get down for the rest of the plants.
Hey this is my first time in the plant section! I heard that duckweed is a pest and clogs filters and things like that, although on the brighter side I have also seen that is is good for fish that are prone to jump, not to jump.
I had it once and managed to kill it despite having other plants do really well, Im not sure why. It looked really nice and didn't clog up my filter, although that may be because I killed it.

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