Do fish get pissed?


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
my clown loach right now is sorta pissed, it is like shaky in the mid water and he attacks my clowns once every 1 minute or so -_- it could be dirty water but i was planning to change water tonight... :/

EDIT: he is also pale in color..
Do you mean pissed off or drunk? :lol:

I think paler colouring is a sign that he is being aggressive with others while the darker ones are being picked on. I would be worried about him attacking though ad keep an eye on him, they are generally social fish. Although if it is a fish of a similar size it could be a normal "who's the daddy?!" thing.
Firstly, could I ask you to stop showing off that damn fine looking 55G? Dead jealous! :)

Agree with what the Cheesy One's said. They're probably 'fighting' over who gets the best hide-outs. Wonder what qualities must the dominant one has/needs? :)
I had a male betta in one of my community tanks. There were also giant danios. He hated when they went zooming past him. He eventually started lashing out at them. I'd say he was pissed.


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