corkscrew val


Jul 26, 2003
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New York
Hi I have corkscrew vallisneria in my tank. Recently I've started trimming the top of the plants with a scissors when they grow across the top of the tank. The last few days I've noticed white hairlike things growing out of the tops of the vals. They start about 2 inches from top. Is this because I've been cutting the tops. I also just added flourish root tabs to the gravel. Do you think that could be the cause? Any thoughts would be appreciated.
EDIT - Now it is on my scarlet hydro also. I am fearing the worst. I think it is hair algae. How do I get rid of it?
EDIT - OK after closer inspection I think it is black beard algae. How do I get rid of it? Has anyone tried those products like AlgaeFix. It says it effectively controls black beard, string or hair algae? I'm getting discouraged, thinking of ripping out all the plants and going back to plastic. :sad:
i had the same thing happen to my hornwort, soon as the algae gets attached to it its not coming off. i tried a few of the store bought algae removers but the didnt do anything. it would have been cheaper to just buy a new plant before it spreads to the rest. my suggestion would be to remove all the plants that are infected with the algae and then treat the tank. without a host plant it will be easier to kill the algae. but after you have killed it i would stick to live plants, they realy bring up a aquarium. i hope ive been of some help.


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