Co2 injection into canister filter

Pescado Guy

Fish Fanatic
Mar 30, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago Illinois
Hi everyone!

I have seen a whole bunch of plans and ideas to disolve CO2 into water. I was going to make one but then i thought that maybe i could just have the CO2 going into the intake of my canister filter. Would this work? I would think that by the time the CO2 traveled all the way through the canister filter, how could it not be disolved? If this would work that would be amazing because i didn't really want another piece of equiptment like a CO2 diffuser in the tank. Any ideas, suggestions, or problems with my idea would be great to know. Thanks for your help!

Yea, it's one of the few methods of diffusing CO2 into your tank. One of the best methods I've read, many people use it, but I've never had any experience with it. But yea, it will defn. work. Just look up CO2 diffusion on google and have a look at some of the pictures and articles that people have. Good luck!
I'm sure Konrad won't mind me sharing a PM we had.

Hi Konrad,

When administering co2 into your external filter do you just attach to co2 tubing near the filter inlet? I assume the suction allows the bubbles to flow immediately into the filter. Do you get any cavitation (gas causing noises inside the filter)? I'm currently using Nutrafin diffusers but find they need cleaning regularly and have even trapped fish.



Hey, yeah, well what I did was I cut a small notch in the intake grill, then I fitted the tube into it. This way even if the filter would clog for whatever reason, the bubbles would still go up the tube. About the cavitation, I only get it when my filter isn't running up to speed, ie. the tubes aren't clean or the sponges need cleaning. It works great so far so the only thing im going to change to is a compressed CO2 can and still run it into the filter. Hope that answered you question

Thanks for sharing the PM gf225. What brand and make of filter are you using?
I made my own CO2 reactor and I have it going into my powerhead. The plants seem to react very well to it. HTH
no problem gf225

I tried the powerhead too, it worked okay, but it wasn't efficient and I got annoyed at the bubbles clouding my view of the tank -_-
I have the delivery tube from my CO2 system connected to the inlet of my canister. Never had any trouble doing so.

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