Betta has finrot


Apr 1, 2004
Reaction score
Cheltenham (UK)

My lovely betta seems very happy although he seems to have a little finrot developing :-(

I have started treating him with Myxazin, removing 2 litres of water, then getting 2 litres of fresh water and adding a couple of drops of the chemical.

He doesnt seem to be getting better though, does it usually take a few weeks to heel or what?

I heard salt works is this correct?

Any other tips on combating finrot appreciated.

Ok now i am confused maybe he doesn't

I am colourblind so i find colour-specific infections and diseases hard to diagnose.

Should i stop the Myxazin treatment or not?

Here are the latest pictures of him what do you think?



it looks to me like there's a little bit of finrot on his tail....not sure whether or not you should continue the treatment though. (i'm still newto betta riasing) but yea i'd say that's finrot..
Personally I think he looks good. I don't see any black tips at all in fact i see new growth which is the anti-fin rot. There is especially new growth on his tail fin look closely in the first picture. I think that it is probably his colouring as the tips are white not black. Keep his water clean add some salt and I think he will be alright. I don't know about the severity of the treatment you are using... personally i would go with Bettamax as it has done wonders for my fin rot when it is just mild and i want to encourage tail growth. Good Luck he is a beautiful fish. :)

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