Betta Eggs!!! Help!!!


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2003
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Just about to clean out my betta tank where there is a boy and a girl i found eggs suspended under all the bubbles, not touching the tank untill you give me some advice. They all look white does this mean they are infertile??? should i just top the water up a little. Male seemed very worried when i went near the tank!!

nikki I am Rabs girlfirend sorry for the confusion with names
I think that there is a pinned topic on betta breeding or at least some great threads on how to breed bettas in the bettas and gouramis forum. Best of luck!

Hi codpiece :)

I'll move your thread to the Betta and Gourami forum where you will get some quick advice from people who have experience with this. :nod:

Good luck with your fry! :thumbs:
Its normal for them to be white :D It's probably a good idea to remove the female as the male will be aggressive towards her while he's guarding the nest. Do you have anything suitable to keep her in? It's also a good idea to lower the water level because when the fry hatch their swim bladders and labrinth organs are not fully developed and they will have a better chance if the water is shallow. The eggs should hatch in 2-3 days.

After that the male will look after the fry. Once the fry are free swimming (mine were after 2 days) you can start feeding them. Baby brine shrimp, infusoria or microworms are good foods. It's also a good idea to remove the male once the fry are free swimming (he'll exhaust himself trying to keep them in the nest!). Once the fry are free swimming you can add more water to the tank again.

Once the fry are a little stronger you can change the water, about 10-15% every few days (clean water is important to fry- they are messy and delicate as far as nitrates, etc go). However, after 3 weeks they are pretty indestructible :D

Hope this helps, I certainly not an expert but there are plenty of experienced people here. BTW congratulations on the fry and good luck with raising them! :D

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