Bad Gourami

Guilty Crown

New Member
Oct 3, 2012
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My partner had a pair of cobalt blues. Unfortunately the male died not long after he got it. I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a few things??

1) He has been reading about this virus that Gourami have. Is it still about or not?

2) Since the male died the female who i guess is feeling lonely, has been nipping at his fish. Mainly the albino cory's. The poor little things tails are looking messy.

3) Will getting another pair make her calm down or make her worse? but then theres this virus thing?

4) he wants to put guppy in but would she go for them as well??
To be honest, I hate gouramis. All I had ever heard was: they are great fish but you have to make sure they don't get bullied! I asked the person at my lfs if a couple gouramis were fine for my tank. Within a week, one have killed the other and was beating up the rest of my fish. Thank goodness he was a fat@$$ and therefore really slow, and the reso of my fish being cyprinids, were really fast. None of my fish other than the one gourami ever died from the harassment.
I haven't had that problem, but I have really not been very successful keeping mine yet. They are the only fish I have lost twice after a month of getting them from the LFS, both due to the same illness.
I took in a blue spotted gourami from my neighbour and she's is so timid.

Her tank mates are Molly's platys and Guppys and I've had 3 batches of fry since I've had her and she's not even eaten any fry that I've seen and if any thing I've got a male Molly who is half her size pecks her when ever he feels like it and she doesn't even retaliate which I find strange as she's double his size

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