Baby Anubias? Not Sure What It Is...


Fish Herder
Mar 6, 2014
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Figured I'd try this here as I'm not sure if the planted chit chat forum is the correct space for it. I had cleaned up some dead water sprite a couple or so weeks ago and noticed this little tiny thing in it. It's not duckweed as I would be overrun with it if it was. It has at least three if not four leaves(hard to count with it being so small, and the stick together some). I have not recently added any plants. The only thing I've done is change from gravel to playsand.

The only reason I think it's an anubias is that the Nana I have in that tank flowered about a month or so ago and still has a flower. I have never read anywhere though that anubias could give off a plantlet. Just cutting the rhizome will propogate it. But I don't know what this little guy could be! It's cute and I'm leaving it floating for a while. It has grown a tiny bit since I first noticed it. It had a couple of roots coming off(one I accidentally pulled off while taking these pictures). But it almost seems like it has a mini rhizome but I'm not sure. Any help is greatly appreciated! Here are the pictures.



It's hard to tell from the photo but it looks like it might be FrogBit. 
I think its a baby anubias...The first picture is a bit of a give away for me, only way to tell is by time :)
Not sure about frogbit but I did try that plant before. It all died because I don't have the proper light for it for plants. I've just never seen this small of an anubias before and have no idea where it came from except either my flowering Nana plant or my nangi. When I changed the substrate I took the plants out and soaked them in an alum solution for pond snails and I didn't notice it then. *shrugs* guess I'll just keep an eye on it and see what it becomes! Lol. I'll try to remember to post updates.

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