All My Pets! (The Non-Fish Ones, That Is!)


Fish Crazy
Aug 4, 2012
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Hello! I am Bluesand1313, and these are my non-fish pets!
Sparkles - Norwegian Forest Cat/Siberian Cat. Female.​
This is Sparkles. She is currently 9 years old. I got her when I was about 6/7 years old. I wanted to have a cat/kitten, because I wanted to see what it was like. Therefore my mother found an ad in the newspaper for a guy who had a random cat who had kittens in his garage, and was giving them away for Free. We picked out Sparkles from the litter. Yes, she was born to a friendly stray. Who knows, she might have stayed a stray like her mother if we hadn't gotten her. She loves to be brushed, and pet, but only if she wants you to pet her! She doesn't play, all she does is sleep all day. But that's okay, because I love her nonetheless. She's a big goofball sometimes, sitting like a human would or doing a little head-dance before flipping over onto her back.​
That cat there is Misty, Sparkles kitten. When Sparkles was a year old, our dog let her out (long story), and she well, was in heat. She had four kittens, all were male and all looked like her... EXCEPT Misty, the ONLY girl and the ONLY one that didn't look like Sparkles. We were going to keep Misty, but we had to move to a one-pet place. So Misty now lives with my aunt and uncle.​

Sandy - Mutt Breed. Male.​
This is Sandy, my bunny. Sandy is 8 years old, which is pretty old for a rabbit. We got him when he was 2 years old and I was 9. We got him because we were saving up for a puppy, but then the decision was a 'No' to a two pet rule, and so instead of spending the money on something for us, we got Sandy! When we first got him, he was pretty wild. Now, he comes up for pets and is the most cuddly bunny ever. He even does bunny agility!​
Pepper & Zuri - Nutmeg and Agouti Cream Gerbil. Females.​
This is Pepper and Zuri. They are both two years old. They are sisters. I got them because I wanted something I could hold in my hand and cuddle with that was fluffy. Pepper does competitive jumping, and is just a good girl in general. She was blind (had red eyes) but now has brown eyes. I have literally no idea how that could happen, and I've checked under lights over and over, but it's true. She now has brown eyes. I don't know if she's still blind or not because of her eye colour change, but.. I don't know, it's weird.​
And then there is Zuri. Zuri might be pretty on the outside, but she's pure evil. She steals Pepper's food, constantly is displaying dominance over her, biting her (but not drawing blood), stealing water from her, and stealing chew toys from her. I must say, I do dislike her. But what am I supposed to do?​

Piper - Golden Retriever Dog. Female.​
Meet Piper. We don't have Piper yet, but she's a purebred Golden Retriever puppy. We'll be taking her home on June 15th. She's super cute, isn't she? She loves the water like her mother, and belly rubs! She currently lives on a farm with her eleven brothers and sisters!​
Naw Piper is so adorable!!! 
Pepper and Zuri are so cute!
Sparkles is gorgeous!
Do you know who the father is of Misty? I'd say he looks just like her!
Sandy's cute as well!
You have a great collection of pets there! :D
Thank you!
No, Sparkles was away for a whole day before she came back (wanting food, of course) so we don't really know. Could be a stray or an outdoor house cat.
Wow what a menagerie! You have some beautiful pets there, Blue!

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