A Few Piccies For People That Like Looking

You can't 'plant' java fern into the substrate to get it to grow effectively. It is a type of plant that attaches itself to rock or wood via it's roots as opposed to being buried in soil or substrate, as is anubias spp.
very very very nice and clean looking!

what sand did you use? how much was it? and how was it rinsing it? sorry to annoy you with the questions :p
thanks for the comments :)

the sand is made by carib sea, and its 26 quid a bag, i didn't rinse the sand, AT ALL
Now why couldnt I find that 3D rock background? I looked everywhere online and the only things I found were aquarium designers who do enormous projects or do it yourself with styraphome and rino truck bed lining. Exo Terra makes it but it only comes with their terrarium setups. Where did you happen upon yours? (if you say LFS tell me where it is and which one. I will order it from overseas haha)
Can I ask where you got the three main decs from? I am looking for large decs for my 160 litre and need sources to look :)

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