tank cycle

  1. D

    Subbing ammonia

    I've been cycling my tank for a little.over a month th. I had to do multiple water changes because my nitrates keep getting to high and would stall. My nitrates are slowly going down. But my question is, after everything levels out it says to dose my tank with ammonia and see if after 3 days...
  2. Jan Cavalieri

    My discussion with my City's Water Manager

    As some of you may have read my excessively long posts, I have had a terrible problem with ammonia with one tank reaching 8 ppm. Of course I neutralized it with prime and amguard - but ALL three of my tanks seem to have lost their cycling. Most likely due to the addition of too many fish at...
  3. F

    Does A Water Softener Affect The Good Bacteria When Cycling A New Tank

    Ok, so ive been having problems. I made a bunch of rookie mistakes and now trying to tix them. I have had to move fish to another new tank to keep from dying. They are doing well and tank levels are near perfect for now. But it needs to cycle and was only a quick fix, i know. So on the 10 gal i...