
  1. A

    Shell Dweller Tank question

    Hello every first time posting here, I have a question regarding a neolamprologus multifaciatus (multis) shell dweller tank I set up a little over a year ago. I bought a group of 5 multis unsexed from a LFS and put them in a 20 gallon long with 36 escargo shells i bought off amazon. I use...
  2. Circus

    Do Neolamprologus Multifasciatus Need Dithers?

    Do shell dwelling multis need dither fish to feel comfortable? I want to make sure they are as happy as possible, and they seem SUPER nervous. I did get more shells, 18 of them in the tank now, and each of the three fish seem to have picked out their favorites. The tank is a 30 gallon and 30...