ich cleaning

  1. Yuhui

    Cleaning ick

    Hello, so Iā€™m currently treating ich with salt and Turning up the heat for my goldfishes. Nothing major and most of the ich is already clearly up. Iā€™m still kinda new to the fish hobby and stuff and Iā€™m not sure how to probably clean the filters after the whole ick treatment things clears up. Is...
  2. N

    How to cure Ich without killing beneficial bacteria

    Hi everyone, I have a case of ich in my tank. Just wondering what the best treatment for it would be. I have melafix and Pimafix, but Iā€™m wondering if those are strong enough. Iā€™m also nervous about killing off my beneficial bacteria because I donā€™t want to have to cycle my tank again. Also...
  3. Guyb93

    Ich advise

    I have a well stocked tank up to 20 fish , I noticed a few days ago that both my blue Acaras have what looked like glitter on there fins and head so i assume straight away itā€™s ich so I crank the tank temp up to 83 added diseases clear keeping lights off for most of the day and recently added...
  4. SteakNShrimp


    I just noticed that the ram cichlid that I bought Saturday has ICH. What should I do? How do I treat the fish? How do I treat the tank? I am not able to purchase any medicine today... I have taken the Ram out of the tank and put it in some dechlorinated water with 4 tablespoons of devolved...
  5. stacey3272

    Treating And Cleaning Tank After The Ich No Fish Left

    Well I think the ich got my tank and all fish. Question us cleaning and trusting my 55 gallon for ich after all fish are gone. Wednesday I got The tank temp up around 84 85. Clean out gravel ounce good. But it's still in tank. I read to run this high temp for a few weeks. My question what else...