
  1. C

    My fish is swimming without balance!!

    I have a fantail fish and he is swimming weird, like upside down or 'laying' on one side. Also, my comet fish isn't eating. I changed the water tank today. Can it be related to that or are they sick?
  2. rpgmomma8404

    Deformed Fantail Goldfish

    I've been trying to get as much advice as I can about this problem. I rescue some goldfish in May and have had them going strong since I got them. One of them is a fantail with a deformed mouth. He's been having swim bladder issues since day one but has been going strong up until now. It seems...
  3. A

    Sudden Death (Goldfish) -Dropsy?

    Hi I've had berty (a ranchu) and Klaus (a fantail) for about a year and a half. Berty has always been healthy but Klaus has suffered from finrot a couple of times and has had problems with his swim bladder but both problems seemed to had gone away. yesterday Klaus died. On Sunday he seemed...