
  1. S

    Tank sickness or other - help!!

    I woke up this morning and fed my fish to find sunny one of my newer angels floating on the top, one eye seemed to be pushed in/missing and tail had parts missing. I’m questioning this as recently (4 weeks or so ago) lost another angel Batman. Both Batman and Sunny purchased at different times...
  2. G

    Guppy with a red fin bite! Help

    hello, I have a 20 gallon tank with 4 female guppies, 5 galaxy rasboras, and 5 panda cories. One of my 4 guppies has what looks to be a red bite out of her fin! my water parameters are good, 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 5 nitrates, 7 PH. she is a new addition to my tank and I got her because she was...
  3. A

    Sick minnow+danio+guppy?

    About a few weeks ago I had bought a 21gal tank and I had a 4gal tank with a minnow and a danio (all the others died off). I had only bought this bigger tank because I wanted to give them friends so I left the tank for like 4 days with a filter from a cycled tank and live plants. Then when I...
  4. Z

    Platy fish bully

    Hi, I have a fairly heavily planted established 55L tank with 5 female platy fish and 1 snail. Due to me being inexperienced and buying bad stock from pets at home, I had two deaths early on this year. This left me with two adult platy fish. While checking for illness, they were kept with just...
  5. F

    Guppy fighting gonopodium disappeared

    A fully cycled planted 100L tank with: 50+ cherry shrimp 1 betta 8 male guppies (I have way too many guppies as the first four female guppies I got actually had a male (in the tank at store) so from that I’ve now got too many guppies to count so when I could tell the males I’ve put them in a...
  6. P

    Blue Gourami Male to Female agression

    I am relatively new to keeping gourami, I’ve had my pair of blue gourami in my community tank for about 6 months now. Both make and female look healthy, colours are bright and they both come out to eat eagerly at feeding times. However, when they’re not feeding the female goes to the back of the...
  7. A

    Sailfin Plecco's

    Hi all, new here, my daughter set up a tank (550L) so not a small one, or perhaps it is to you experts out there lol. She has now lost interest and tbh it's stressing me. We have two large Sailfin Plecco's (one 40cm in size and the other is 33cm), the larger one is a complete bully to the...
  8. N

    Help with platy behaviour

    Cycled tank 5 female and 1 male mixed platy. Male platy seems to be aggressive towards one of the females, not letting her swim and socialise around the front of the tank. She's submissive towards him not pecking him back like the others do, but he rams her, chases and blocks her so she can't...
  9. J

    Male Platy bullying Female Black Molly

    I am really hoping someone can help me out! I started out with two platys (one male, one female) and one black molly(female). the molly got cotton mouth and spread it to the platys and in healing them I noticed my black molly becoming “annoying” to the male platy. not even aggressive, just...
  10. Cameronb_01

    Concerned about Discus Health

    Hi, About three months ago one of my discus accumulated so many little black spots that he effectively half turned black. Apart from the visual deformation there were no changes to his appetite or behaviour around the tank, consequently I put the change down to a very severe and sudden case of...
  11. mrstwalker

    Torn Koi Fins & Scales ... Please Help!

    Recently my husband decided he wanted to start a North American Native tank & we have received 5 young (probably 1 week - 4 week old) Green Sunfish. In attempt to have 1 less tank in the house (yeah..right.  ) We decided to add our shubunkin koi to the tank (5)  because we had heard of people...
  12. JenLo

    New Guppy Bullying Nightmare

    Hi all, so I am back again with another emergency!   I have a 100L (22 gallon)  tank stocked with:   3 guppies 6 danios (mixed) 3 cardinal tetras 1 platy 1 plec   2 days ago, to that I added   2 guppies (2 white tail, 2 red) 2 platies   All was going well until I turned the tank light on this...
  13. S

    Agressive Male Platy

    I Have a 20 gallon tank that consists of 2 female cherry barbs, 2 male platies and a female platy. One of my male platies has grown quite larger than all of the other fish. He constantly is chasing my other male platy and keeps him from eating, drives him to hide, etc. I'm not sure if this is...