
  1. M

    Moving with African Dwarf frogs

    Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I have to unexpectedly move (3 hours away). I currently am the owner of two African dwarf frogs and 1 betta. I know that this move will be stressful for them and I want to do anything I can to make it more comfortable so I have a few questions. What can I do...
  2. T

    Help! I Don't Know If My African Clawed Frog Is Bloat

    I have three African clawed frogs. My newest (I've had here about one and a half months) looks pudgy. It's just her lower abdomen that is fat. I'm about 99% sure that all my frogs are female so I don't think she's pregnant. I've soaked her in Epsom salt for the last six days and she hasn't...