albino cory

  1. Falconwithaboxon

    Stock addition

    So I've had a 29-gallon tank since August and just had a question on my stock. I was wondering if I could bring my zebra danios and albino cories up from 4 each to 8 each. I currently have 1 dwarf gourami, 8 neon tetras, 4 platies, 4 albino cories, 4 zebra danios, 4 siamese algae eaters, and 1...
  2. sweeteybabey

    I Need Some Quick Reasurance!

    Hello everyone! I'm not particularly stressed, but I'm just curious and slightly worried about one of my albino female corydoras. She had a red spot that faded to black on her egg area around a week ago, but it's completely gone now and she was lethargic for one day but instantly improved (it...
  3. C

    Is my 1y/o cory dying?? I dont want to lose her.

    I had an albino cory since i started my 5g with my betta about a year ago. Petstore said it was a good algae cleaner. I didnt know better. Since then i learned about groups. Finally saved for a bigger tank. Got a 20g. Lost my betta. It was just my cory, mystery snail, and some hitchhikers from...
  4. eatyourpeas

    Dear Diary...

    It all started with a shrimp I needed as a model to draw from. Then the shrimp needed friends. But there was also this snail... Then I learned that the 1.5 gal. flower vase was too small. Then I learned that I needed a heater, and plants. Then my plant grew, and grew, and grew... so I got...
  5. BettaChel

    Help me Gender my Cory Cats!

    Hello all! I’m relatively new to fish keeping but I love it so much! I got some new corys yesterday and I was wondering if anyone could help to identify their sexes if possible! Here are the two Juliis. I think the one in the back is female and the one in front male? (guessing! lol) Here’s...
  6. SouravBanerjee

    All Albino Cories Getting Sick Or Dying In The Tank

    Hi all,   We have a 3.5 g tank. We do a weekly 25% water change. Water quality seems to be absolutely fine (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, pH, hardness, etc). We have two balloon bellied mollies and two albino cories. The albino cories kept getting sick (red sores, fin rot, redness all over lower...