Freshwater Fish ID {EASY,MEDIUM,HARD} Game Daily

Round 2:
#1: @OliveFish05 correctly identified Congo Tetra (Phenacogrammus interruptus)
#2: @JuiceBox52 identified the exact species of freshwater Sculpin, the Mottled Sculpin (Cottus bairdii), a dream fish of mine! @Circus is an honorable mention because she did get the type of fish.
#3, with a VERY impressive correct ID, @Caesar wins again, correctly identifying Gymnogeophagus Jaryi. If I may ask, how do you know this fish?
I'd like to consider myself an American cichlid coniconnoisseur
And for the pictures

Dragon puffer
Polypterus weeksii
And, I think the species of payara is Hydrolycus tatauaia.

- I love this fish - the only reason I didn’t get one was because the price someone wanted, and the fact this fish would’ve only eaten live. Good luck!
Harlequin rasbora edit: it's not a Harlequin rasbora; I'm not sure what it is, I took a second look and none of the members of Trigonostigma have those markings. So it's likely a tetra I'm unfamiliar with I'm guessing.

Thicklip gourami
And black crappie?
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The colorful one is maybe Macropodus opercularis a'ka Paradise Fish. Had them:

But it's dang similar to thicklip gourami... So I don't know. Not that good of a picture 😅

#1 is Pretty Tetra
#2 (@Caeser) is a Thick-lipped Gourami
#3 is a little-known species I honestly didn’t expect anyone to get, the Shadow Bass.
Let’s get some more people here! Take your best guess, we won’t bite!

This one is a Tetra version.

Z.jpeg Name starts with L9k=.jpegname starts with F
This is an expert level fish. Starts with T
First one's a lemon tetra, thought the second was a penguin tetra but considering it starts with an F I doubt that's right😅.
Yay! A contestant! I think I should’ve mentioned that the one that starts with an F is hard level. Let’s get more people! I want this to continue. It helps exercise ones fish ID skills. Even if you get it wrong, you improve from it. Let’s keep this going!

For the first I want to say a type of a guianacara, but that feels too easy and the lateral line markings are inconsistent with what I've seen in person.

Second looks like it's a member of oreochromis, similar to niloticus.

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