Blackwater Tank Discussion


Fish Gatherer
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
South East, England
Not sure if there's a post out there floating around in this forum from ten years ago, but I was hoping to start up a conversation about blackwater tanks. Opinions, tips, photos, journals, studies, maintenance, e.c.t. Anything is welcome.

My first tank was, unwillingly, a sort of pseudo-blackwater tank, and I'd like to know more about everyone's thoughts on them. This was when I first had my 54L, I couldn't make myself wait until the bogwood stopped bleeding and ended up dyeing the tank water near-enough black. Very murky and, with my terrible little tetra filter at the time, very unclean. When we switched to the 170L and emptied out the 54L, it absolutely reeked. Sat in my room for weeks before I picked it back up for the guppy tank project.

But anyway! Tell me about your experiences and/or knowledge on blackwater tanks. Feel free to just start from anywhere.
I have no experience in Blackwater but really like the look of them.
Always worry guests might think it's dirty and then have to explain tannins to them.
I bought a chunk of bogwood but didn't end up using it.
It's definitely something I'll consider for the future.
Be nice to hear of your experience if you set one up.

Trying a blackwater tank for the first time. My 55L/ 15G nano tank previously had black beard algae so I am using new substrate etc.
I was able to use driftwood with established java fern from my other tank to form a diagonal 'log'. Behind this I placed a deep substrate of pumice up to the top of the driftwood with smoother pebbles on top and planted with a few crypts. Sand, pumice and pebbles for the front. Scattered some cherry, apple and acer leaves on top - these were soaked in water for a day so they would not float. I boiled a large Catappa leaf for 15 minutes to help break down it's cells for tannin release and added that.

I added filter media from other tank so instantly cycled.

I moved from my other tank, 4 Glowlights, 3 Kuhli Loaches and 2 Ghost Glass Catfish plus a few floating plants. I bought 3 more Khulis. Days 2 and 3, I replaced 20% of the water with mature water from other tank to help clear pumice cloud. On day 4, I tested water: pH 6.9, no ammonia/nitrites and nitrates at 20ppm. 45% fresh water changes next 2 days and now due for a further test.

Presently the water is still a little cloudy - I may add filter wool to catch that. No real sign of tannins in the water, perhaps I need to give the leaf more time or add another. The Catappa leaves were bought online so maybe not the true variety.
Fish are active and settled in well. The Ghost Catfish hide under the leaves (need a couple more fish) and the Kuhlis have various hiding places.

The main light is on a timer and I have a smart light to simulate sunrise/sunset 2 hours before and after the main light. Sunset is the best time to view as the loaches sneak out to foriage and the ghost catfish come out for a feed of dried tubifex worms.

I hope things continue to go well!
The best way to get blackwater is peat.
Question is : is it respectful to take off a matter that needs at least 5,000 years to form :sad: ?
I don't use peat anymore, but only oak and erminalia catappa leaves and alder cones.

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