
  1. C

    Bizarre yoyo loach behavior

    About three weeks ago I bought two Yoyo loaches since I had been looking for them and they were the only ones left. They seemed fine at first, but when I tried to reintroduce a fish into the tank, one of them started going out of its way to attack it. Even after I took the fish back out, that...
  2. A

    Yo-yo loach not eating or swimming- only laying on side, very skinny

    Hi Iā€™ve had this yo-yo loach for around 10 months but hes never grown any bigger for some reason but he used to be very chunky and healthy looking just small but this week heā€™s just not been eating anything or swimming around or using his nose and going in between the pebbles to get things heā€™s...
  3. A

    Dead harlequin- aggresive Yoyo loach

    Hi all, So recently i bought a few tetras and a yoyo loach from my local pet shop. They told me the loach was peaceful, but only sold me one(im getting some tank mates asap). I woke up this morning, and saw one of my harlequins that i have had for a while was lying dead on the floor, completely...