tank help

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  1. A

    New and needing advice.

    Hey, I just registered here, and I've just recently picked up a few fish to care for. I had 2 corydoras and 4 neon tetras. now I'm down two 1 and 2. I'm very unsure how they died, all I can remember is treating the emerald cory for a bloated bladder w peas, him recovering, and then me finding...
  2. carligraceee

    So many Pleco choices! Suggestions?

    Hello everyone! I am on the last stretch of cycling and am starting to look for stocking. I already found my schooling fish.. now I would like to know everyone's opinions on plecos! What pleco is best for cleaning up biofilm and even fish poop (if possible, I know its rare for fish to actually...
  3. F

    Betta Tank

    Hi there, I am looking to start up a beta fish tank and would love to do it right. I have just bought a 24 litre tank as my research says recommended is 22 litres, I would just like to know what other things you recommend, like what plants , whether live ones or plastic, if so which live ones...
  4. FurFinFeathers

    Betta Tank Upgrade Tips?

    I'm going to update my three male betta fish to a divided ten gallon, but i have a few questions. If i get two dividers from Petsmart, they dont have holes, so i assume I'd need a sponge filter for each section? If I make them myself, I could make them with holes in them so i would only need one...
  5. T

    Help Please

    So I made a few stupid mistakes starting my first tank. I bought a 37 gallon marineland tank. I rinsed everything (rocks,filter, accessories) and added fish about 48hrs later which I now know was too soon and too many. I have 6 platys, a bristlenose, a rafael catfish. Its been a month now and...