strange behaviour

  1. J

    Dalmatian Molly strange behavior

    So for a few months, off and on, my Dalmatian Molly would hang out at the bottom of the tank just flapping her fins and tails as if she was swimming. She would just chill at the bottom for hours. And just today she started swimming around with the back of her body to the left more. She only is...
  2. AdrianBru

    Bristlenose Pleco fry acting strangely

    Hello everyone, My Bristlenose pleco fry are acting very strangely today - they're about three weeks old and currently housed in a 50 litre quarantine tank with their father. I tested the water today and it is unchanged from previous results, ammonia 0, nitrite 1, nitrate 20. The tank is...
  3. Bazouteast

    Strange Angel Fish behaviour

    Around 7 or 8 months ago I raised a brood of Angel Fish. They are now almost mature and beautiful though they are, I need to think about moving some of them on. Within the group there is one fish that has shown some remarkable behaviour that I haven't seen before. I have two filters running...