pond plants

  1. D

    Marginal plants and roots

    Evening from the U.K. I built a marginal corner pond for my mum with a liner that I had used previously for a koi pond before I upgraded it. The liner had no leaks in it at the time. I used soil throughout the middle and planted a couple of iris and a few other plants that I can’t recall the...
  2. ember04

    Common or comet goldfish in pond, how many?

    Hi there as you may of see from a few other threads of mine, I am starting a 140 gallon 525-litre pond with the dimensions of 150 wide, 70 deep and 50 heigh (cm) this pond will be insulated and heated over winter I am going to get a few common or commit goldfish (not together) my question is how...
  3. GobyMaster11276

    Plant suggestions for low-light outdoor pond

    Title says most of it. I have a 300l goldfish pond, lightly stocked (3 fish) and under shade most of the time. The water is quite cold due to its outdoor setting and lack of heating, so I need plants that will withstand and thrive in these conditions. What species would work?