
  1. L

    Paralyzed platy

    I have this platy who seems to be paralyzed from his front fins back. He’s pretty old, I got him from my aunt because all her other fish died except him and a giant pleco. and she was out of town a lot and didn’t notice this guy was having issues (or even alive) so I took him with me. He can’t...
  2. S

    Help! My platys are paralyzed and sink!

    So I recently got 12 fry from a friend and they are about 2 months old, varying in size. I have 4 of the tiniest ones in a 5 gallon, the rest in a 20 gallon. About 3 days ago I noticed a few were missing and couldn't see them. I thought they were just hiding but then today I noticed some just...
  3. I

    Oto Cat Paralysis? Dying?

    Hello. I joined this forum to ask this question. Here's my current tank set-up: I have a 20 gallon tank with an under-gravel filtration system as well as a new power filter (rated for 20-30 gallon aquariums). I don't have a good water testing kit but the pH is pretty much 7.0, no detectable...