mystery disease

  1. B

    My inherited betta is very sick and I can't figure out what's wrong

    Hi all, I am trying to figure out what's wrong with my poor fish and I'm having no luck. Backstory: teenage nephew bought a male betta fish, Poppy, about 8 months ago from a pet shop. Nephew took really poor care of his pet, including alternating overfeeding/forgetting to feed, not cycling the...
  2. C

    Very Sick Raphael Catfish!!

    Hi everyone! I am posting because I have run into a situation I cannot find a solid solution or explanation for. I have a 55 gallon tank with 1 Veiled Angelfish, 4 platy, 3 albino corydora catfish, a small population of Ramshead Snails, and 1 Raphael Striped Catfish. I do 35-40% water changes...
  3. margaritari

    Young Harlequin Rasboras DYING RAPIDLY!!

    Hello, sorry my first post is so desperate but I REALLY NEED HELP. My new Harlies are dropping like flies and I have no idea why! Tank size: 20 gal pH: 7.5 tank temp: 75ºF Fish Symptoms: Three fish have died within the two days since I bought them. The first two were found dead on the bottom...
  4. A

    Horrifying Tank Deaths: Please Help!

    I have been keeping fish for a long time, but I have NEVER had something like this happen! I've no clue what could have gone wrong.... Here's the situation: I've been away from home for about a week, the care of my tank was entrusted to a friend and fellow fish mom during that time, due to my...