
  1. S

    raising KH for snails

    Hi all, fairly new to the hobby. I have a 10 gallon tank with 7 neon tetra, 5 zebra danio, 1 nerite snail, and 2 golden mystery snails. There are also many live plants in the tank. I use a HOB filter. I use the API freshwater master test kit, and also the API liquid KH and GH test kit. I...
  2. S

    Why is my KH pH and GH increasing?

    Hi all, Hoping for some help with regards to recent changes in my water parameters.... Some info about my set up starting with a photo to set the scene :) ......... I have an established freshwater 4 foot 90g tank which contains: 2 Red Robin Honey Gouramis - approx. 2" in size. 10 Neon...
  3. CPDtank96

    KH and GH - chemistry advice please 👩‍🔬

    SO there have been a couple threads on here that I’ve found really interesting about water chemistry (I thinks that’s how you would refer to it) such as KH, GH, ph and water sources. I feel I was originally misled by my LPS (classic) as he said “all my fish are in the same water as you have so...
  4. Guyb93


    I’m not new to fish as such iv kept for a while now but I’m fairly new to water parameters, if that makes sense for ages I kept fish and never owned a water test kit just did %20 weekly water changes and that’s it about 6 months ago to a year I really got into my fish went from just keeping them...
  5. T

    Something is very wrong in my tank

    Ok. This gon be long. I tried to get good pictures, but fish b fish ukno I've had 5 (6, but one died already from whatever it is that's wrong) female guppies since january. I bought them online from a good seller. They came healthy (and preggo :D), totally fine these past few months. They were...
  6. B

    Has my API GH test kit gone wonky - no change from orange to green?

    I got an aquarium (2nd hand) in very good shape from a friend (nearly new; his kids lost interest) and with a multitude of API test kits. I've set up my tank with Seiryu stones and driftwood, volcanic Malang sand substrate (all cleaned properly, boiled the driftwood etc.), and added some live...
  7. Jan Cavalieri

    Conversion factor for Hardness and Alkalinity (K)

    Looking at our city's most recent water report they list the following: Avg pH 9.4, Range 8.5-9.9 Avg Total Hardness (as CaCO3) 189, Range 110-282 ppm Avg Total Alkalinity (as CaCO3) - 96, Range 47-138 ppm The scale the website where I buy fish from lists the KH (which I believe is the...
  8. SweetTart

    KH/GH range for bettas?

    I recently got a KH/GH kit to test my aquariums. My 10 gallon betta tank is currently at a KH/GH of 2dH / 35.8ppm, and the pH is 7. I'm having a difficult time finding info on what's the best range. Is this in an acceptable range? If not, how do I change it? Note: The tank is still cycling...
  9. Brendt

    Off the Chart GH & KH Reading

    hi all, my fish tank is currently in a Fishless cycle a 10 Gal and today i decided to test the GH and KH of my tap water as some people on here were saying for me to test the GH and KH to see what kind of fish are compatible with my tank. well either i did it wrong or my GH and KH are off the...
  10. M

    General Questions

    I have had fish for about 2 years and they usually all died after 6 months. I always got 5 livebearers at a time for a 20 gal tank. Whenever I clean it out, there is a bunch of poop and particles that rise from within the rocks, however my ammonia levels have remained at 0, as well as basically...
  11. thrujenseyes

    If I were to use water direct from well.....

    I'm going to try and give the short version of my long story: I cycled a little 6 gallon Fluval Edge just over two years ago. I *thought* my water was hard because I'd tested the tap which was coming up 7.5ph. I stocked with 5 little male endlers. Tons of live plants. Over time I kept losing...
  12. simonero

    Q's about methods for increasing kH with aragonite/coral

    I have a tank that is CONSTANTLY/always dealing with low kH issues. It's the water in my area. I'm worried about pH shock for a new, juvenile tankmate next time I have to do a substantial water change. Trying to decide if I should multi-task the function of a new decoration I must acquire for...
  13. Cameronb_01

    Planted Discus Tank Emergency

    Hi Guys,   So basically I have been impatient and made a mistake. 4 weeks ago I filled my empty tank with RO water and rasied the Kh to 4 and then began the cycling process. My tank is fully cycled and ready for fish as of yesterday, (I tested the Nitrate, Nitrite and Ammonia levels). And so I...
  14. simonero

    Long, Failed Struggle To Increase Kh, Suggestions Appreciated

    My kH has been a problem for a good long while now.  Unfortunately the tap water in my area has very low kH, based on both internet resources and my own testing on multiple occasions.  The highest I've ever gotten it is 1 or 2, which is equal to what comes out of the tap.   To increase my kH...
  15. B

    Guppies And Their Water: General Hardness And Alkalinity Question

    I contacted my local water provider and recieved some information about our local water supply that I use for my fish tank.   I attached a small section of what they sent me.   Would someone help me understand what these values mean and how they apply to general hardness/alkalinity requirements...
  16. simonero

    Not An Emergency Yet, But..... With This Level Of Consistent Ph Droppi

    I have a 55gal freshwater aquarium.  Recently the pH dropped from ~neutral to ~6.4.   Got worried, bought some supplies, went on chat to discuss it.   Within just a couple days, it is now down to 6.0.  This is frightening, because I added a bubble stone and half a cup of aragonite sand (in a...
  17. O

    Water Help!

    I am being pulled in a million directions and no store seems to be helping, and i am spinning out of control! I just want answers!!!   My take normally:    20 gallons Ph: 6-6.2 kH: ? gH: ? Ammonia: 0ppm Nitrites: 0ppm Nitrates: 0ppm   The fish I have are:   3 Neon tetras (it was 4, that's what...
  18. M

    How To Increase Kh

    I have set up a Malawi Cichlid tank a few weeks ago and I am using Seachem's Malawi Victoria Buffer and Cichlid Lake salt. The problem is my KH is only 90ppm but my GH is 160ppm. I have some crushed coral sand mixed in the substrate and some Texas Holy rock to increase the KH but its still too...
  19. S

    Water Parameters

    Hi,I have a question about my parameters, my tap water and tank water have a ph of 7.6 but my Gh is 125 ppm and my kh is 89.3 ppm. I thought a high ph goes in hand with a high gh but the gh is medium? Any help would be great,I am still cycling my tank at the minute so no fish to worry about as...