gold barb

  1. S

    Where to buy wild type gold/Chinese barbs

    Hi guys, For my first ever post I just want to know if anyone has ever had success finding green wild type Chinese barbs. I've been looking for about a week for a 90 gallon mixed community and have not found anything either at LFSs or online. I enquired about special ordering them through my...
  2. mbsqw1d

    Barmy Barbs - Odessa & Gold

    Got talking about Odessa barbs on another thread recently, so thought I'd take some pics. This is from a 63 gallon (Roma 240) with Odessa and golden barbs and Giant Danio. Its mostly sunlit so there's so glass reflection going on... I'll take some later on when its dark out and they're lit by...
  3. A

    Gold Barb

    Does anyone know if the gold barb will get along with my 5 guppys and 2 platys?