breathing quickly

February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. G

    Panda Corycat Horns?

    Hi, I've had my panda cory for almost a year now he spent most of his life in a 9 gallon, where he wasn't very active, due to some weird urgent disease that wiped out all of my tetras with perfect water parameters and melafix doing nothing, I moved him and the couple other cory cats I had into a...
  2. W

    Sick Krib?

    We have had our pair of Kribs for just over a week now. We noticed that one was hiding a lot compared to the other at the back of the tank. When I’ve looked more closely it is breathing very fast and looks like it’s struggling to stay upright. OH has also seen it at the top of the tank and then...
  3. rianna21

    What is up with my Danio?

    Hi, I’ve attached a youtube video of my Danio which I have had for maybe 3 months now. The last few weeks its been looking really chubby and has an extra kind of hump under its chin. Now it seems to be breathing quickly and keeping away from the others. Is it pregnant and going to lay eggs...