blue gourami

  1. S

    Opaline/blue gourami male bring aggressive or is this natural

    We not long ago got 2 opaline gourami. One female (pearl) and one male (opal). Male seems to chase the female around a lot. It is more around feeding time. I don’t know if he does it at night, or if it’s just when he thinks there is food. Is there any advice or signs to look for? the stuff...
  2. P

    Blue Gourami Male to Female agression

    I am relatively new to keeping gourami, I’ve had my pair of blue gourami in my community tank for about 6 months now. Both make and female look healthy, colours are bright and they both come out to eat eagerly at feeding times. However, when they’re not feeding the female goes to the back of the...
  3. C

    New Tank with Blue Gouramis

    So I'm new to the hobby and I've started up a new tank 25 gallon tank. After preparing my set-up, waiting until my wood stopped floating, I decided yesterday to finally add some fish to the tank. After visiting the shop several times and watching the fish and doing my research I finally decided...
  4. L

    Help! My fish are fighting

    I’ve had a ten gallon tank with one Blue Gourami for awhile now. I bought 2 neon tetras two weeks ago and just introduced them about a few days ago. I noticed that the Blue Gourami has been chasing them and harassing them. I thought it would stop if I re-arranged the tank and gave them a bit to...
  5. Wigster

    Mix Of Fish For Sale

    I am selling/giving away all of my fish as I do not have the room for the tank in my new place.   The fish for sale are: 1 x Silver Dollar (Quite large, couple of years old, nearly 5 inches in length.) 1 x Bristlenose Catfish (Mouth is a little weird on it, but had it for 2 years now and it's...
  6. D

    My Gourami Changed Colour?

    I have two female blue gouramis in my tank and I recently introduced a yellow male, since doing this the smaller blue gourami has changed colour and become a lot darker than before. Can anyone tell me why this would be?