
  1. Jan Cavalieri

    Bladder Disease - Is it time to Euthanize? But I don't want to!

    My powder blue dwarf gourami has had this for 4-5 weeks now. First and second time it was a distinct tilt and inability to swim straight, this time it's hanging vertically, with the head at the top. I can snap her out of it for a few minutes by repositioning her. She cab even straighten...
  2. S

    Long-Term Swim Bladder Emergency

    Hi everyone,   I have a Silver Dollar that has appeared to have swim bladder disease for over 2 months now. For over a month it spent it's time constantly swimming upwards just to stay buoyant. I tried fasting, feeding shelled peas and also tried epsom salts to no avail. (I figured it must have...
  3. S

    Fish With Swim Bladder Problem

    Hey all,   I have a Silver Dollar that has been struggling with what I assume to be swim bladder disease. He spends his time frantically swimming towards the surface just to stay buoyant.    It's been over a month since he started doing it. I have tried epsom salts, feeding green peas and...
  4. Valiant

    Albino Corydora With Swim Bladder Diease

    One of my cory catfish has swim bladder diease because last night I saw him trying to swim on his side and upside down and when he was on the sand he would roll over to get to places on the sand. I tryed giving him peas but he wouldn't eat and now hes just laying upright on the sand. I'm really...
  5. S

    Silver Dollar Swimming Oddly

    I have a 450 litre tropical tank running 2 external filters filtering about 1700 litres of water an hour. I have 10 silver dollars a Convict and a couple of smaller Cichlids and tetras, I feed them worms on occasion, frozen shrimp, Cichlid diet and bloodworm and for the first time in a long...
  6. W

    Guppy Showing Signs Of Swim Bladder Disease, Please Help!

    Hi everyone!   My beloved yellow tailed female guppy is showing signs of swim bladder disease, as she is having trouble staying stable and can only swim in circles. The other fish, particuarly the male guppy is constantly harassing her, which i am sure isnt good for her at the moment...