balloon mollie

  1. madireeder

    Platies mysteriously dying!!!

    The water quality in my tank is perfect, I test it frequently. Everything has been great otherwise but my platies keep dying! And very unexpectedly! I have two balloon mollies, I HAD two platies (now one), and 3 African Clawed Frogs (which i’m not very happy about because the pet store told me...
  2. M

    I need help with a fish that isn't eating

    I just got 5 new livebearers 8 days ago, and they have all been doing fine except for one of them. He doesn't have any illness at all (he's as active as the other fish, just slower because he hasn't eaten) but he won't eat anything I give him. He's a balloon molly, if that means anything. I've...
  3. B

    How Do I Breed Balloon Mollies?

    I have never bred mollies before and I have a few questions.   My mollies are balloon mollies.  I have two females and one male.  He usually tries to breed about once every 3 days. Not as much as I would like to breed the females, but it should be enough.  Anyways, the females haven't gotten...