
  1. P

    55 gallon Planted aquarium progress

    Hello everyone I started a planted aquarium 12/29/22 and this is how it looks today vs day 1 let me know what you think thankyou and have a good day everyone.
  2. B

    Apistogramma tank?

    Hello, I have a 60l 2foot x 1foot tank, currently stocked with a pair of A. Cocatoides, 2 sterbae corys and 3 ottos, and was thinking about making it into more of a Pisto breeding tank? Is it possible to add more than one type of apisto? Maybe 2 females of each to one male of each species...
  3. C

    Tank stock

    I currently have 1 apistogramma bitaeniata male along with 9 black neon tetras, 6 julii cory catfish, and 10 or so ghost shrimp in a 29 gallon. Is this tank understocked. I would like to add about 5 otocinclus because I'm getting a bad algae problem and I have the good bacteria on my driftwood...
  4. Tool13x

    Multiple male Apistogramma community tank?

    I have a 40g breeder I would like to turn into a South American community tank with a male Apistogramma Cacatuoides, some Otocinclus catfish and perhaps some Corydoras. My original plan was to also have a harem of female A. cacatuoides in the tank but they are very difficult to find locally. I...
  5. Tool13x

    30 gal Apisto. tank

    I have been looking for something to do with a 30 gallon tank thats been sitting empty for a while, and I have been leaning towards an Apistogamma tank. I was really hoping to find Cacatuoides around but no such luck. I have been able to find: Apisto Tefe Apisto Agassizi Apisto Nijsseni Apisto...