
February FOTM Photo Contest Starts Now! Fish of the Month
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  1. M

    Moving with African Dwarf frogs

    Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I have to unexpectedly move (3 hours away). I currently am the owner of two African dwarf frogs and 1 betta. I know that this move will be stressful for them and I want to do anything I can to make it more comfortable so I have a few questions. What can I do...
  2. T

    Axelotle in container

    I went to an exotic reptile and amphibian shop. I saw some axelotles in Tupperware containers with some air holes in them. Is this normal for pet stores to keep axelotles like this? There was almost no room for movement and smelled absolutely terrible. Just wandering if this is reasonable...
  3. T

    Dead Axolotl

    Hello, My axolotl just died and I'm looking for answers as to why. Yesterday at about 3pm she looked okay, her gills were flared but her tail was straight. Sometimes she flips out after she poops (which she had just done) so I thought the stress sign was from that. Later at about 9pm her gills...
  4. Y

    Spanish Ribbed Newt New Arrival

    Hello everyone, My Fiancee and I have just recently purchased a Spanish ribbed newt, he is currently in a moderately planted 20 gallon tank with a filter that is being displaced by a landing, The water temp is being kept at 70-71F, with a sand substrate and two different hiding zones and plenty...
  5. B

    Fire Bellied Toads

    Hey guys! Has anyone ever owned these cool guys!? I am going to for sure do this for my tank idea, I have done research on them.  But I would really like any advice and what you did for your tanks! I am doing about 1/3 land, and will have branches for them to climb on and have different land...