algae id

  1. CozyCat

    What type of algae is this?

    Hello! Going through the algae waves in my new tank, has been set up for a couple months now. All running smoothly and my cories and 3 guppy gals are doing great. There are a couple types of algae growing on the moss and wood I have in the tank, and I was wondering if anybody knows what kind...
  2. carligraceee

    i don’t really know if this is algae

    hey guys- i need to know if this is algae or not. it’s kind of hard to identify lol. i just did a HUGE water change and that is what the third pic is... the first pics are a couple days after a 50% water change. fish are doing awesome, even in that weird water so i’m convinced it is some kind...
  3. RavenDay

    What Type Of Algae Is This?

    So I'm new to the saltwater world, and this is happening in my 36 gallon setup. It's been set up for a little over 5 weeks now, and the only stuff in there is a torch coral, green starburst coral, and palm tree coral- with 2 cleaner shrimp, one conch to maintain the diatom bloom, and one 8"...