
  1. T

    Intro :)

    Hello everyone! I’m Isabelle, and I’m part of a research group in Houston studying Aiptasia Padilla. Currently, our team has two 10 gallon seawater stock tanks up. A year ago our anemones were doing pretty well and we had trial tanks sent up as well, but during the Texas freeze in 2021, our...
  2. T

    Aiptasia help!!!

    Hello everyone! I’m a university student with a research group studying Aiptasia. We can’t seem to keep them alive which is hilarious given then they’re suppose to be difficult to get rid of. Tank salinity is at 27%, pH is around 8.2, ammonia levels are high due to them dying…. We feed them...
  3. K


    How do you remove Aiptasia? Do you use chemistry like the vídeo? Or do you use wundermani or other eaters?
  4. J

    Oh Noes! Aiptasia Anemone?

    Hello friends!   I'm new to the forum and my experience is mainly with fresh water but a friend of mine recently gave me a basic salt water aquarium and it has a couple of anemones on the live rock. Once I got the tank home and setup I managed to find one but the other one seems to have...
  5. Robbo85

    Aiptasia Gone?

    So I can't find any aiptasia in my tank anymore. I know its a good thing but I don't know why? I normally cover them in sealant to get rid of them but I left a couple of small ones in. I went to seal them up today but they have vanished! I have recently added some sexy shrimps and a yellow goby...